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Carroll County Solid Waste Launches Oops Tag Program Friday To Improve Recycling Center Efficiency

Starting tomorrow (Friday), West Central Iowa Solid Waste Management Association customers will begin seeing tags on their improperly recycled items at the curb as they work to better educate the public on what can be processed at the Recycling Center. This new program is an “Oops Tag,” and Director, Mary Wittry, explains how haulers will use these tags.

Wittry adds the tags are not intended as a reprimand. They are a simple and effective way to teach customers how to dispose of their waste correctly.

According to Wittry, similar programs to the oops tags have been tremendously successful at landfills and recycling centers throughout the country.

She adds it can sometimes be challenging to determine how to recycle an item correctly, especially if it is made of materials commonly placed in the recycling bin. However, Wittry says a few things are commonly disposed of improperly.

Again, West Central Iowa Solid Waste Management’s Oops Tag program begins Friday, April 1. Wittry encourages anybody unsure of how to properly dispose of an item to reach out to the recycling center directly by calling 712-792-5001 or logging on to www.westcentralsolidwaste.com.

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