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State Legislature Passes Bipartisan Iowa Biofuels Access Bill

Yesterday (Tuesday), the Iowa legislature passed one of Gov. Kim Reynolds’s chief goals for the 2022 session, the E15 Access Standard bill. The bill would require the majority of Iowa gas stations to sell fuel with a 15-percent ethanol blend. It garnered bipartisan support in the House and Senate, especially after lawmakers included a provision that would allow smaller fuel retailers to opt out of the requirement. Reynolds says, “This is a historic win for Iowa families, our agriculture and biofuels industry, and Iowa’s entire economy. By increasing access to more affordable, homegrown biofuels made right here in Iowa, we are lowering the price at the pump and getting America back on track toward energy independence.” The legislation received similar praise from other state leaders. Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Naig, says, “Renewable fuels provide an additional market for Iowa’s farmers, bolster thousands of jobs in rural communities and are a significant contributor to domestic energy independence. At a time when Iowans are feeling a pinch at the pump, biofuels offer consumers more choice and a more affordable option; an all-around win for Iowa.” The bill now heads to Gov. Reynolds’ desk to be signed into law.

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