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Lake View Water Main Expansion Comes in Under Budget

One way for municipalities to prepare for growth is to update and expand their water mains. City Administrator Theresa Pudenz describes the infrastructure work that recently took place under Highway 175, a major thoroughfare running through the city.

Pudenz reported that entire project came in under budget.

The reconstruction project greatly expanded the capacity of heating and air conditioning manufacturer, Evapco. Additionally, new business’ have also been attracted to Lake View due more water availability there.

How do rural communities pay for infrastructure enlargement? That’s where Uncle Sam steps in.

Water is needed for a lot more than drinking and flushing. Battling potential fire is another key use of water resources. Pudenz explains how a simple test defined the success of the project.

The city of Lake View paid the balance of the cost which came to $288,445 from their own funds.

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