Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI), with an office in Denison, recently received a $25,000 grant from a Telligen Community Initiative (TCI) award. The Strengthening Families and Communities-Social Determinants of Health grant will support LSI to help promote its Early Childhood Home Visitation program, which provides support and parent education to at-risk pregnant women and to families with children from birth to five years old to encourage positive development and safe, healthy families. TCI Executive Director Mat McGarvey says, “TCI focused on supporting non-profits who are working to decrease health disparities and create innovative solutions to increase physical, mental, and social health and well-being for families as well as youth.” LSI was one of 18 non-profit organizations that received this award; other Iowa organizations include Catherine McAuley Center, FAMILY Inc, Iowa Black Doula Collective, and Visiting Nurse Association of Pottawattamie County.