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The Jefferson City Council Has Approved The Final Reading For The New Proposed KCG Development

Despite multiple residents’ concerns about the rezoning classification of the property north of the railroad tracks between North Maple Street and North Elm Street, the Jefferson City Council has voted to pass the ordinance change to allow for a housing development to be built. Before the vote, many concern citizens voiced their opinions, stating that the council is voted in to serve the public of Jefferson. Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams spoke on behalf of the fire department, saying the department will not be able to accommodate for the new complex.

Williams says the city has a couple options when it comes to providing the necessary equipment.

KCG Development Vice President CJ Linter was in attendance to the meeting and responded to the concerns about the fire department’s ability to support this size of structure.

Sheila Goodwin, a resident of Jefferson addressed the council saying it’s not only the fire department that adequately cannot provide resources for this complex.

Not all there were opposed of the development, Travis Dvorak, the General Manager at the Wild Rose Casino and Resort, spoke up in favor for the apartment complex.

The vote was four out of five, with Council member Sloane being the only nay vote. With the zoning classification officially changed, the city can now move on to the next stages of approving the design proposal for the development by KCG.

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