Picture Credited to Wall Lake Iowa Facebook Page
The 60 Plus group out of Wall Lake has been awarded a $5,000 grant to purchase groceries to continue to enjoy nutritious meals and spend time with friends. This group and more come down to the Community Center in Wall Lake close to every day to have a meal provided by the Elderbridge Agency on Aging. Still, due to increasing numbers of participants and the high prices of groceries, funding started to run low faster than budgeted. Through the Farm Credit Services (FCS) of America’s Working Here Fund grant program, adequate food supplies can be purchased to continue to provide meals to these individuals. The FCS program supports nonprofit organizations focusing on Ag education, hunger and nutrition, and rural disaster relief or essential services. Elderbridge provides this meal to seniors who may not be able to cook for themselves as much, prompting community engagement by getting them out of the house and socializing with other members in the surrounding areas. The 60 Plus group also has volunteers who take the time to drive meals to individuals in Wall Lake, Auburn, and Lake View who cannot get out of their house but would still like a home-cooked dinner. The participants want to thank FCS of America for choosing them to receive the funding to assist with groceries and help keep the food on the table.