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New Opportunities Offering Free Class To Parents Wishing To Build Stronger Relationship With Children

New Opportunities will offer a free class to assist parents in developing skills to build caring and respectful relationships and to raise responsible and happy children. Behavioral Health Director and Love and Logic Facilitator Christy Jenkins says she was trained back in 2012 to use and teach the Love and Logic model of parenting and that after implementing it with her own family, she is a walking testament to its success.

Jenkins says this is not a typical parenting class. She doesn’t want parents to come to this class thinking they are failing or doing poorly. This class is just an additional resource to receive tips to help stop arguing, talk back, avoid power struggles, and teach responsibility.

Jenkins says that through partnerships with other organizations, more will be offered to encourage registration for all who can attend.

The classes will be held on June 4, 6, 11, and 13 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Manning Public Library. To secure your spot, you can register by scanning the QR code provided above and below or by contacting Ann Newman, the Mentor Coordinator at New Opportunities, by this Friday. Her contact details are also available below.



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