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Online Crowdfunding Seeing More Oversight From CCSD

Fundraising to support school events and programs has been around for many years, but one way to generate money, online crowdfunding, has the Carroll Community School District (CCSD) looking to change how these type of donations are handled. The Board of Education reviewed the policy regarding funding coming from outside of the school district. The revision being considered will bar online fundraising campaigns from being conducted unless approved by the building principal. The principals must consult with the superintendent before approving the fundraising effort. The board may be asked to approve the crowdfunding campaigns under certain circumstances. The change stems from concerns about monitoring funds coming in, how those funds are being spent and reporting those funds to overseeing agencies. Online crowdfunding occurs when a campaign is set up through a website like GoFundMe or Kickstarter. These sites usually charge a five percent service fee to handle the donations.

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