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Clouds Of “Ant Swarmers” Appear Throughout The Region Thursday Night

Many Iowans may have noticed enormous clouds of swarming insects appearing near dusk recently, but experts note it is a routine occurrence. State Entomologist Robin Pruisner says the winged creatures are commonly known as “ant swarmers,” and they appear almost every year near the end of summer or early fall.

The United States has an estimated 700-plus different species of ants, but the ones taking to the air now are likely the same eight or so most common species, such as field, carpenter, or pavement ants. Their presence in the dusk and evening skies is normal, but Pruisner says the sheer number of the pesky insects is somewhat unusual.

Beyond being mildly annoying, the winged ants don’t present any real issues for the brief time they are out and about. They are generally considered beneficial, serving as a food source for birds, dragonflies, and many other predators. Fortunately, Pruisner says the ant swarmers should start thinning out pretty quickly.

Pruisner expects the massive swarms could be gone in as little as 48 hours. She adds that these occurrences can be highly localized in some cases. One county might see millions of ants taking flight while almost none are seen a county over.

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