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M66/100th Street Intersection Work Concludes; Detour Remains For Nearby Construction

Construction at the intersection of M66 and 100th Street in northwest Audubon County has finished, but the detour implemented for that project will remain in place due to a separate, nearby construction zone. The area has been closed since July 23 while contractors expanded and improved the three-way intersection just west of Puck Custom Enterprises to facilitate the large volume of semi traffic transporting supplies to and from the business. The intersection project was a joint venture between Audubon and Carroll counties, with funding from the Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy (RISE) program. The 20-plus-mile detour for M66, which follows Audubon County Road F24, U.S. Highway 71, and Iowa Highway 141, will remain in place into October while crews complete shoulder regrading south of Manning.

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