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Sen. Ernst Outlines Plans to End Telework Government Waste

Sen. Joni Ernst released a report Thursday exposing alleged federal telework abuse and outlining reforms to cut costs and increase efficiency in the federal workforce. Ernst highlights significant misuse of telework and locality pay, which Ernst claims has cost taxpayers billions. According to the report, 90 percent of federal employees now telework, compared to just three percent pre-pandemic. Only six percent report in-person full-time, and one-third work entirely remotely, with some employees living over 2,000 miles from their assigned offices. Ernst criticized the underutilization of federal office buildings, noting that major agency headquarters in Washington, D.C., average just 12 percent occupancy. Maintaining these facilities costs $8 billion annually, with another $7.7 billion spent on energy. Ernst says, “For years, I have been tracking down bureaucrats relaxing in bubble baths, playing golf, getting arrested, and doing just about everything besides their job. It would almost be funny if it wasn’t happening on the taxpayers’ dime and at the expense of veterans, seniors, small business owners, and Americans in need of competent service from government agencies. Federal employees need to return to work, but if they don’t want to, I will make their wish come true.” Her proposal includes downsizing federal real estate, relocating workers outside Washington, and tying telework privileges to productivity. The full report and recommendations are available online.




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