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Lake View City Council Reviewed And Will Update City Ordinance Regarding Golf Carts On Public Streets

The Lake View City Council heard a proposal from the Chief of Police George Athan, recommending changes to the ordinance relating to golf cart usage around town. Athan says per city code, an individual must possess a valid driver’s license to operate a golf cart on city streets. However, he asked the council to change the ordinance to only individuals 18 years of age and older with a valid license. The reasoning behind the proposed change was due to a rise in younger drivers who were driving golf carts around without their parents, causing unsafe conditions for both themselves and other commuters on the streets. The city council did not agree to change the age restriction and believed as long as individuals had a valid driver’s license, it would suffice. Athan then recommended updating the language in the ordinance, stating that beginning drivers on instructional permits need to have an adult over 25 riding with them, just as they would if in a vehicle. The updated ordinance will also include limiting passengers, with only one person allowed per seat, and increasing the registration to operate on city streets to $25 per year. Once a draft is approved, the ordinance must go through three readings with the city council before implementation.

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