Twenty-eight grants from the Endow Iowa program have been distributed to 24 recipients for use in Carroll County through the Community Foundation of Carroll County (CFCC). The Endow Iowa program was established by the state legislature to distribute gambling proceeds to counties in Iowa without gambling facilities. Tax-exempt, public charity, private foundation and government entities were eligible to receive a portion of the $99,973 available for this year’s distribution. A full listing of the recipients and their use for the grant money can be found below. In addition, for the past two years, the Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation has shared a portion of the Wild Rose Casino Jefferson proceeds with surrounding county and community foundations. This year, the CFCC board has awarded Grow Greene County Gaming Corporation 2017 funds of a little over $42,130 be set aside for: New Hope Village for expansion of the Bargain Shoppe Textile store; Carroll Area Child Care and Preschool to update and replace educational materials and supplies; and the Fred F. and Norman J. Bruning American Legion Post No. 607 to repair and update the existing building in Breda. The CFCC board recently elected new officers for 201, naming A. Eric Neu as President, Stephanie Snyder as Vice-President and Karen Kienast was named Secretary. The board also approved bringing on Jon Sturm, Joe Behrens and Kevin Milligan to replace term-limited members Jim Greteman, Craig Mertz and Bill Prebeck.
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