The unofficial results from the Carroll County Auditor’s Office regarding the library referendum and at-large city council seat are in. 2884 total votes came in for the election. Including absentee ballots 1792 votes were in favor of the library project and 1102 were against. The library met the 60 percent requirement by only two percent. Eighty absentees ballots are still out, and if enough of these absentees are no votes, it could still influence the results. For the at-large seat, LaVern Dirkx received 1440 total votes. Ron “Woody” Beyer tallied 326, and Matthew Hodges had 725. Dirkx will continue to serve on the Carroll City Council. He was appointed earlier this year to replace Brandon Vonnahme after he resigned due to a move outside of city limits making him ineligible to finish his term. Results remain unofficial until they are canvassed by the Carroll County Supervisors.