Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal called out his own party during a speech in Glidden on Tuesday. He said at least the Democrats are standing up for what they believe in while Republicans give up. Jindal used Planned Parenthood as an example of how the American people are told Republicans will fight for their beliefs as the majority, only to have Mitch McConnell say “we can’t get it done.”
He said this is something Iowans can do at the state level, just as he has done in his home state of Louisiana.
Jindal faced the repercussions for his stance through a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood and protests from pro-choice supporters. He said it is their constitutional right to protest, but he thought they needed some entertainment.
Jindal concluded saying there is no reason his state should fund Planned Parenthood, and there is no reason that the US government should give them one penny of tax-payer dollars.