International trade and recent tariffs are some of the hottest topics of 2018 for all Americans, and in our area in particular, for farmers a. Owner members at Landus Cooperative are invited to join them at their annual meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 18 to learn more about this topic from keynote speaker, Jason Hafemeister. Hafemeister is the trade counsel to Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Sonny Perdue. He has been involved with agricultural farm and trade policy for more than 25 years, nearly 20 of that with the USDA and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. John Scott, President of the Landus Cooperative Board of Directors and an Odebolt-area farmer, says they are proud to host Hafemeister at their meeting to provide updates on the NAFTA agreement, the “trade aid” program also known as the Market Facilitation Program and the latest news and discussions with China. “Global issues impact every farmer-member of this cooperative, and I invite everyone to join us in Ames on Dec. 18. This is an annual meeting you will not want to miss,” Scott says. RSVPs are suggested and are requested by Friday, Dec. 14. These can be done through the contact points included below.
Phone: 515-817-2100