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MRHC Giving And Receiving To Improve Healthcare For Area Residents

There is a lot of giving going around in the Manning area as of late as Manning Regional Healthcare Center (MRHC) makes life-saving donations and receives equipment for radiology and the lab. The healthcare facility recently made a donation of five medical manikins to the Manning Rec Center to aid in training. These models help lifeguards learn effective compression and rescue breathing techniques by actively practicing CPR. The Manning Regional Healthcare Center Auxiliary has also made two donations, these to the radiology and laboratory departments at the hospital. For radiology, they have gifted a shield on wheels that provides additional protection to patients from unnecessary radiation exposure while x-rays are being performed. The shield can be rolled into position behind the patient and adjusted to the correct height. It can also be used to protect staff members who may be assisting a patient. The auxiliary also presented a new freezer to the lab for additional storage capacity.


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