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Candidate Nomination Period Opens Soon For Three Lake City Council Seats Up For Election In November

City council elections in Lake City are only a few months away, and the deadline for candidates to get their name on the ballot is swiftly approaching. Administrator, Eric Wood, says three seats will be on the ballot in November.

He adds these individuals did not immediately indicate whether or not they will run for reelection yet. All of the community’s city council seats are at-large, meaning any Lake City resident can put their name into the mix. According to Wood, potential candidates have until near the end of August to decide.

Candidates will need a minimum of 10 signatures from Lake City voters to appear on the ballot. Nomination and signature forms can be picked up at city hall when the nomination period opens, or they can be found through the link included with this story on our website. City council elections will be held statewide on Tuesday, Nov. 5.


Candidate Affidavits

Non-Partisan Candidate Nomination Forms

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