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Carroll Library Reopening Delayed Until February

The City of Carroll has announced they will be delaying the opening of the newly renovated Carroll Public Library. Originally slated for Jan. 13, City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver, says they are now looking at plans to open in February.

A delay in receipt and installation of the elevator has driven this decision. With the vast majority of other work expected to be completed by the end of this month, Pogge-Weaver says they could have relocated the technology area to the public meeting room and opened as scheduled, however this would also create a hardship for staff and patrons who would only have the option of utilizing stairways to move between levels. There has also now been a definitive delivery and installation date set for that elevator.

There will be some minor finishing work to be done once that install is completed.

Furnishings, many of which are still on the Jan. 13 schedule, are starting to come in.

Pogge-Weaver adds that the project remains within the allotted budget, even with the additional month of rental expense at the temporary location. Anyone with questions is encouraged to contact City Hall at 792-1000.

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