The Carroll City Council will bring forward their personal opinions on the next steps for the proposed improvements at the Carroll Rec Center Monday. City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver, says his staff asked the council to determine whether they want to break main projects into phases, bonding in 2020 and 2023 for work in 2021 and 2024, or to bond for all projects next year. The areas identified include renovations and additions to the pool area, updates to locker rooms, construction of an additional gym and an elevated walking track above the gyms. He says he felt their last discussion had already identified the direction.
Option A.1, presented by financial consultant, Susanne Gerlach with PFM, has the pool being separated out and bonded at a par amount of $5.62 million. The remaining projects would be covered by Local Option Sales Tax (L.O.S.T.) proceeds at $7.09 million. This would result in a maximum property tax levy rate for residents of $1.53 per $1,000 of taxable valuation. Once the council comes to a consensus on the phasing and financing options, they will quickly move into the next steps according to Pogge-Weaver.
Jan. 13 is also the deadline for the council to decide if they would like to move ahead to a March 3, 2020 referendum. The other option is Sept. 9. One item that has been in development for several months, the draft changes to the Carroll Rental Policy, is noticeably absent from this agenda. Pogge-Weaver explains why.
Outside of the consent agenda, the only other agenda item is the council’s work plan, developed at their annual planning session. Pogge-Weaver says this includes items discussed, responsible parties, work sessions planned and key dates. Monday’s meeting will begin at 5:15 p.m. in the council chambers at Carroll City Hall. A link to the packet of information for that meeting can be found with this story on our website.