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2020 Democratic Candidate, John Delaney, Withdraws From Race

Democratic Presidential candidate, John Delaney, announced this morning (Friday) that he is withdrawing from the race. He says analysis from his team has revealed he does not have sufficient viability in a number of precincts but would have enough to take from other moderate candidates who would then be unable to meet thresholds in Monday’s Iowa caucuses. In a written statement, Delaney says it has been a privilege to run for the nomination and he is leaving the race with a “profound sense of gratitude to the voters who shared with me their hopes and concerns for our magnificent country.” He also thanked his team members and volunteers for all their work and his family for their unwavering support. He also put out a call to his party. “We need to provide workable solutions to the economic issues facing hardworking Americans, create opportunity for young people in all communities, restore a sense of unity and common purpose to our nation and re-establish the United States as an engaged global leader,” Delaney says. He adds the ideas he and his team have developed during the campaign are now ideas for the party and he will continue to advocate for them. He also calls on Democrats to “stop the nonsense of unrealistic and divisive campaign promises and be the party the American people need—a decent, unifying, future-focused and common-sense party.”

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