Area high school athletes will be heading out to softball and baseball diamonds next week as some of the first in the nation to return to competitive play. And with the country watching, administrators and coaching staff at IKM-Manning High School are asking parents and all other fans to set the standard for a safe return. “We believe Iowa will be the first state in the country to resume competitive high school sports this summer,” the district said in a recent email blast. “The entire country will be watching Iowa. Therefore, it is imperative that we successfully navigate competitive team sports during the pandemic. If we are not successful, it could mean we miss out on fall and/or winter sports later this year.” They are asking for adaptability and adherence to the COVID-19 mitigation tactics set out by each individual district as well as those by the Western Iowa Conference. So far, these include the presentation of the exact cost of game entry, set at $5 for adults with student admission at no charge. Fans are asked to bring their own lawn chairs as bleacher seating may be prohibited or limited and to practice social distancing by maintaining at least six feet between each family. Anyone who has a fever or other coronavirus symptoms or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 is asked to not attend games. Be prepared to have your temperature taken and screening questions asked as some districts will have adapted their strategies in accordance with their public health recommendations.