Pickleball, parking, bid reviews, change orders and budgets are the main agenda items for Monday’s Carroll City Council meeting. City Manager, Mike Pogge-Weaver, says some of their routine business includes the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 year end transfers. He explains the state law often requires the city to bring revenues in to one fund and then the money is transferred to the appropriate account reflecting how it was spent.
When it comes to how the overall actuals will compare to the FY20 budget, Pogge-Weaver says they had planned for a spend-down on reserves.
The council will hold a public hearing on the Graham Park pickleball project. This will be to review the plans, specifications and contract filed by FEH design. They also have presented two options with their estimation of the costs for each. A four-court complex would be nearly $193,000 while two courts would run at a little more than $86,700. The plans will be available to bidders effective Monday, opened on Aug. 4 and presented for council consideration on Aug. 10. Pogge-Weaver says they are hoping for an aggressive construction timeline.
Bids on the completion of demolition at the City Apartments building on North Main Street have also been included on the agenda. Pogge-Weaver says they were happy to receive six bids on that project.
Once the bid is awarded and the contractor notified, they will have 60 days to complete this project. The council will also discuss bids for repair of the Exterior Insulation Finishing System (EIFS) at the Carroll Fire Station, a new cemetery mower, a tee mower and a debris blower. Change orders for the water distribution main project and the hot mix asphalt (HMA) resurfacing will be considered as well as a request from the Kuemper Catholic School System for the moving and removal of angle parking on First Street to increase visibility at the intersection with East Street. The general public can join the Carroll Council meeting on Monday, July 13 at 5:15 p.m. through digital means. It can be accessed by phone, online through GoTo Meeting or viewed on YouTube. Instructions for using these formats can be found with this story on our website. Residents may also watch the meeting live on their local cable access channel. In addition, a link to the entire packet of information is included online.
Link to meeting packet with details on how to view: https://www.cityofcarroll.com/Uploads/agendas-minutes2019-2020/CouncilAgendaPacket07132020pack.pdf