We are pretty excited to be able to help our guests share a big announcement on today’s podcast! The RAGBRAI documentary is getting closer to completion and May 4th, 2023 is the first opportunity you have to see the film…and on the red carpet!!!
Get your tickets NOW and learn more: DesMoinesRegister.com/RAGBRAIdocumentary
Directors: Kelsey Kremer and Courtney Crowder
Starring: Dayna Chandler, Torie Giffin, Daniel Giffin, Andrew Boddicker, Ian Zahren, Adam Lineberry and Liam Lineberry.
Listen to the podcast episode with Torie Giffin: https://soundcloud.com/murphology-podcast/episode-68-the-buffalo-lodge-bicycle-resort-is-a-haven-for-bicyclists
Registration for RAGBRAI L is open!! If you would like to bicycle across Iowa the last week of July, you