Meet Heath Thompson who is on to motivate and inspire us with the story of his ongoing weight loss journey that started a few years back when he made a New Year’s resolution. Fast forward to 2023, he has lost over 250 pounds and continues a healthy relationship with both exercise and food. Earlier this year he added bicycling to his exercise routine, and enjoyed it so much he decided to register for his very first RAGBRAI!! He already has over 1,000 training miles on his new bike and is looking forward to pedaling across the state in July with thousands of others. As Heath says, “Motivation always comes and goes but if you have discipline and dedication, you can use that to keep your goals in check.” Thanks for the inspiring story Heath and see you in July!

VIP Experience packages for RAGBRAI L concerts are available if you want to upgrade your concert experience!

lang="en-US"> Episode 256: Heath Thompson Loses 250 Pounds and Gears Up for His First RAGBRAI – Carroll Broadcasting Company
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Episode 256: Heath Thompson Loses 250 Pounds and Gears Up for His First RAGBRAI

