Tony Amdor has been on the job as the newest member of the Carroll Police department for just one week now, and he is still feeling that attaining this goal is a bit surreal. The Atlantic native says the drive to go into law enforcement began for him from a close role model at a very early age.
After graduating from Atlantic High School, Amdor attended Iowa Western and received an associate degree in criminal justice. He then went on to obtain a bachelor degree in criminal justice from Iowa State University. After graduating, he spent some time working in security while he searched for a community and a police force that would be a good match. He says the Carroll position appealed to him because of the vision of the department.
He was also ready to get back to a community more like the one from his youth.
He says that in the short time he has been here, he can already see a very long future in Carroll and with this police force. He wants to spend time getting to know the community and the people in it and is looking forward to being a part of helping Carroll be the best community it can be. Amdor’s field training got underway this past Saturday and he will begin his 14-week police academy training in January.