After serving four years as a Carroll City Council member and two as mayor, Dr. Eric Jensen has announced his name will be on the ballot this November as he seeks his second term. He says the position certainly has produced some memorable moments, but watching and being involved in the positive changes in Carroll is what keeps him vested and involved.
Part of the reason he has made the decision to run again is to see some of these things through to fruition.
His mayoral role is a bit different than that of council member, and Jensen says he sees his leadership position as a representative of the city and a neutral party for the council.
Jensen says when he looks at the challenges they have recently faced and what may be coming in the future, he tries to avoid declaring the glass is either half empty or half full. For every problem there is a solution and sometimes it is just a matter of everyone who needs to be involved coming together to figure it out. But the prospect of a trying to solve the problem of the copper in the wastewater is a bit frustrating.
If elected for another term, he knows he will be able to look back at the joint efforts between the staff, the council and community that have truly made Carroll a better place to work, live and play and have placed the city in a good position for future leaders. Jensen is a podiatrist with the McFarland Clinic, practicing for about 26 years. He and his wife of 23 years, Karen, have two children, Soren (20), and Arrington (19).