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Carroll Supervisor Meeting Is Moved To Wednesday Next Week For Treasurer Appointment

The special circumstances created with the resignation of Carroll County Treasurer, Jean Seidl, effective June 30, have resulted in the need for the Board of Supervisors to move their regularly-scheduled meeting from Monday to Wednesday. They will be appointing Lisa Wagner, who has worked for the office for 27 years and is currently the Tax and Financial Deputy and Administrative Assistant, to fill the vacancy left by Seidl’s resignation. This will be the first order of business at the 9 a.m. meeting July 1 that will be livestreamed on the county’s YouTube channel. Information on how to connect to the meeting can be found below. Other items on the agenda include an update from secondary roads, an appointment to the Veterans Affairs Commission, a review of the General Assistance Manual, approval of Fiscal Year 21 salaries, an appropriations resolution and a discussion on the stipend for ambulance communities. At the conclusion of discussion on agenda items, a closed session will be called in accordance with Iowa Code Chapter 21.5(1)(c). “To discuss strategy with counsel in matters that are presently in litigation or where litigation is imminent where its disclosure would be likely to prejudice or disadvantage the position of the governmental body in that litigation.” Those who would like to ask questions or make comments about agenda items can do so prior to the meeting by emailing supervisors@carrollcountyiowa.org. To make comments or ask questions on agenda items during the meeting, a YouTube account must be created and the individual must subscribe to the county’s channel.
Link to Board of Supervisor Meeting: https://carrollcountyiowa.org/newsview.aspx?nid=6261

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