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CCSD Retiring Administrator Says The Past 42 Years Went By So Very Quickly

The Carroll Community School District will say goodbye to a 42-year employee at the conclusion of this fiscal year. However, Elementary Principal and Curriculum Director, Sue Ruch, says believe it or not, those four decades went by very fast. Ruch married and started her family young, but after the dissolution of that marriage, she decided to return to school in order to have a better means of supporting her two young sons and daughter.

Ruch graduated with a double major in elementary education and took a position as a second-grade teacher with the Carroll Community School District after searching for the perfect community in which to raise her family. A few years later, after receiving a master’s degree, she decided she wanted to pursue the administrative route. Ruch was named curriculum director for preschool through 12th grades and then became Adam’s Elementary Principal in 1997. Upon the retirement of Terry Miller from Fairview, she took over the helm there as well. Ruch says she wasn’t the most confident person, but she wanted to make a difference.

When it comes to reflecting back on her career, Ruch says it is hard to pick out just one memorable moment. A reading program was the source for quite a few of these.

And the teachers recently took one of her frequent sayings away from her. Ruch says she often told them she was never going to be homecoming queen; but just a couple of years ago they presented her with a crown. Ruch is known for her dedication and commitment, often moving quickly throughout her days and working long hours. During retirement, she says she may be forced to slow down.

Kindergarten teacher, Candice Ostrich, solicited input from other instructors to send a very special message to Ruch prior to her official last day, on June 30.

And Ruch responded with a special thank you to everyone at the district, past and present, who has made it such a special place for her to spend so many years and to the community of Carroll, which she says has been very, very good to her. A link to the full interview with Sue Ruch can be found with this story on our website.


Link to John Ryan’s and Chantelle Grove’s full interview with Sue Ruch: https://www.1380kcim.com/?s=sue+ruch&submit=Search

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