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Senators Grassley And Ernst Applaud Trump’s Swift Approval Of Gov. Reynolds’ Disaster Declaration Request

Senators, Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst, are applauding President Donald Trump’s quick approval of Gov. Kim Reynolds’ request for a major disaster declaration in response to last week’s derecho. The declaration makes available nearly $4 billion through the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Individual Assistance and Public Assistance Programs for the hardest-hit counties. Grassley, who visited Cedar Rapids over the weekend, says, “I’ve seen firsthand the heartbreaking damage to farms, businesses, homes and infrastructure across Iowa. I’ve also seen neighbor helping neighbor and believe we will get through this together. I’m working with Governor Reynolds, Senator Ernst and the rest of the Iowa delegation to make sure Iowa gets all the help it needs. I support Governor Reynolds’ major disaster declaration request and commend President Trump’s swift approval of this much-needed federal assistance.” Ernst, who toured damaged areas Friday, says, “It’s clear Iowa needs assistance from the federal government. That’s why I’m grateful to Governor Reynolds and her team for pulling together damage assessment within days and submitting the request for a presidential major disaster declaration, and the president working swiftly to approve it.”

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