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Some Parents Oppose Potential Mask Mandate At CCSD As Back-To-School Plan Takes Shape

Classes for students in the Carroll Community School District (CCSD) begin in just over a month from today (Wednesday) with many parents still wondering what that will look like for their children. Gov. Kim Reynolds issued a proclamation on July 17 directing districts throughout the state to plan for in-person education to begin the 2020-21 school year. Superintendent, Dr. Casey Berlau, says there is little doubt that a student or staff member will test positive for COVID-19. He details what they have developed for this likely scenario.

Reynolds’ order allows for online learning with due cause, such as when a student tests positive for COVID-19 or a parent specifically requests it for their child. Berlau adds their draft plan includes substantial transportation changes, the cancellation of field trips and assemblies, cohorting students whenever possible and other adjustments to the regular school routine. Guidance from the Iowa Department of Education does not mandate students wear masks when they return to school, but it does leaves room for districts to require them if they choose. Five parents spoke during the public forum at Tuesday’s meeting. Roxanne Aiden, a teacher associate at the district, requested they make mask wearing optional to start the year.

Other parents expressed their concerns for students with medical conditions that make wearing a mask all day difficult. While circumstances do not change as frequently as they did at the beginning of the pandemic, Berlau stresses everybody should be ready to adjust to a still very fluid situation. He says they are actively reviewing all their options when it comes to face coverings in the district.

The board also directed Berlau to begin advertising for the hire of another school nurse or health assistant to help manage any student illnesses and aid in contact tracing should the need arise. Berlau notes development of their back-to-school plan is an ongoing process. The board will formally approve a final plan at a special meeting on Aug. 5. Full audio from Tuesday’s meeting can be found included below.

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