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Two MRHC Employees Seeking Career Advancement

Two Manning Regional Healthcare Center (MRHC) employees have been recognized for career advancement efforts. Director of Quality, Patient Safety, Risk Management and Patient Advocacy, Jackie Blackwell, BSN, RN, has been certified by the National Association of Healthcare Quality (NAHQ) as a Certified Professional of Healthcare Quality. This designation signifies Blackwell’s professional and academic achievement in healthcare quality management. Blackwell says she is excited to have the opportunity to further her education and expand on her knowledge and expertise and apply that to the quality of care given to patients at MRHC. Another nurse, Taya Vonnahme, RN BSN, has received a $3,500 scholarship to be used towards Masters of Nursing (MSN), Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) degrees. This Iowa Hospital Education and Research Foundation (IHERF) scholarship program is supported by the Iowa Hospital Association (IHA) and Vonname is one of 62 Iowa students to receive assistance through the IHERF Health Care Careers Scholarship Program. Those receiving awards must agree to work one year in Iowa for each year it is received. Vonnahme says she is excited to further her career once receiving her degree and plans to start working at MRHC as a Family Nurse Practitioner soon after her February graduation.

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